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Smith Miniplane teki ensilentonsa 1957 USA:ssa.

1974 osti SIG:in toimitusjohtaja yhden koneen joka toimii esikuvana.

Rakennussarja on suunniteltu polttomoottorille (2-tahti .40-.45) tai voidaan myös muuntaa sähkömoottorille.


Rakennussarja sisältää:

Kaikki tarvittavat Balsa/Vaneri osat

Muoviset pyöränsuojat

Duralumininen laskuteline



Rakennusohjeen löydät tästä


Tekniset tiedot:

Kärkiväli: 1120mm

Pituus: 1040mm

Lentopaino: 2200-2500g

Siipipinta-ala: 42 dm2

Siipikuormitus: 52-60g/dm2

SIG Smith Miniplane kit

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  • Historically, the full-scale Smith Miniplane is one of the designs that helped start the modern homebuilding era. Originally designed and built in 1957 by Frank Smith of Fullerton, California, the Miniplane was an early example of engineering with the amateur homebuilder and weekend pilot in mind. It could be constructed with tools easily within reach of the average craftsman, and in the air it was stable and easy to fly. The top wing spanned 17 ft., and the empty weight was a mere 600 pounds. Powered by a 100hp Lycoming, the tiny Miniplane cruised at 120 mph, climbed at a fantastic 2,500 ft. per minute, and was highly aerobatic. It was just what many sportsman pilots were looking for!

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