Multiplex ROXXY BL C22-20-20
Sähköliidokit max 500g
Skaala ja sportti max 400g
Taitolennokit ja 3D max 200g
Leveys: 22mm
Pituus: 27mm
Paino: 28g
Kierros per voltti: 1330
Moottorin akseli: 2mm
Käyttöjännite: 7-12V
Teho: 60W
Kennomäärä: 2-3S LiPo
Multiplex ROXXY BL C22-20-20 1330kV 60W
14-pole BL external rotor
motor with Ø 22 mm ROXXY ® brushless motors with neodymium magnets are state-of-the-art electric drives. High-torque motors with high efficiency and a wide range of performance are available, especially with external rotor motors that do not require a gearbox. Due to their design, external rotor motors can drive large propellers without gears.