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OMP Hobby Edge 540 ARF Oranssi 106"

Semiskaala malli amerikkalaisesta taitolentokoneesta, suuniteltu 120-130CC bensamoottorille

Soveltuu taitolennätykseen ja 3D lennätykseen.


Rungon rakenne on ultrakevyt, ja siinä on balsa- vaneri, Kevlar/hiilikomposiittivahvisteiset osat.

Irroitettava lasikuituinen cowlinki, iso irroitettava kabiini mahdollistaa helponpääsyn koneen sisuksiin


Kaksiosainen balsarakenteinen siipi, jossa on symetrinen profiili, hiilikuituputki yhdistää siivet ja rungon. Siiven puoliskot kiinnitetään runkoon pikalukituksella

Siipiin asennetaan omat servot siivekkeille.


Edge 540 on päällystetty Oracover kalvoilla.


Pääteline on hiilikuitua, pyöräkotelot ovat lasikuitua. 


Tekniset tiedot:

Kärkiväli: 2960mm (106inch)

Pituus: 2630mm (104inch)

Siiven pinta-ala: 127,42m2

Paino: 12,5kg

Moottori: esim. GP123

Servot: 40-55kg/cm 9kpl (Siivekkeet 4kpl, Korkeus 2kpl, Sivuperäsin 2kpl, kaasu 1kpl)

2" servo armit servoille

OMP 106" Edge 540 ARF Orange

Toimitusaika vahvistetaan mahdollisimman pian
  • A semi scale model of the American aerobatic aeroplane for 120-130CC Gasoline motor for experienced pilots capable of the classic pattern as well as extreme 3D style.

    The fuselage is of - now classic - ultra light design featuring balsa and plywood Kevlar®/carbon composite reinforced parts, detachable fibreglass cowl and large fuselage/canopy hatch allowing perfect access to the entire power system and RC gear. The engine or motor is to be fitted to a plywood/composite reinforced box using a radial mount. 

    The two-piece all-balsa wing with a symmetrical airfoil uses a carbon tube joiner; the wing halves are secured with screws to the fuselage. The large ailerons are controlled by a single servo each. You can install the supplied SFG winglets to the wing tips.

    The empennage is a light all-balsa work; the horizontal tailplane is a single-piece, glued into the fuselage. The elevator and rudder are controlled by servos installed in the tail part of the fuselage.

    The entire model is covered by the ULTRACOTE® iron-on film (ULTRACOTE® is the trade mark for the ORACOVER® film used in the USA.)

    The main undercarriage features carbon composite legs, fibreglass spats and lightweight wheels; the tail wheel with a carbon bracket is coupled with the rudder.

    You will need at least 4-channel RC set to control your Edge 540 but 6-channel computer radio i preferred - the precise set-up of servos, optimized dual and exponential rates is the must for aerobatic flying - the pattern as well as extreme 3D.

    You will need 9 fast and strong digital servos

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